
张玉芳, 赵丽娟, 曾幼玲*
新疆大学生命科学与技术学院, 新疆生物资源基因工程重点实验室, 乌鲁木齐830046

通信作者:曾幼玲;E-mail: zeng_ylxju@126.com;Tel: 0991-8582076

摘 要:

管家基因是一类无组织特异性的, 在物种的所有组织细胞中都表达的基因, 被广泛用作内参基因来检测目标基因在不同的组织器官、一定的发育阶段或胁迫的环境条件下的表达规律变化。这些管家基因并不是在所有生理条件下都能作为理想内参基因稳定表达。在基因表达转录分析中, 大多数普遍使用的内参基因已不能满足准确定量的要求。基于统计学分析软件, 如geNorm、BestKeeper和NormFinder三种分析软件, 可以筛选出稳定性较好的内参基因。本文综述了内参基因的选择条件、方法及应用。

关键词:基因表达; 内参基因; 选择与应用; 统计学分析软件

收稿:2014-04-24   修定:2014-06-19


Selection and Application of Reference Genes for Gene Expression Studies

ZHANG Yu-Fang, ZHAO Li-Juan, ZENG You-Ling*
Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Biological Resources and Genetic Engineering, College of Life Science and Technology, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China

Corresponding author: ZENG You-Ling; E-mail: zeng_ylxju@126.com; Tel: 0991-8582076


Housekeeping genes are known as such a class of genes that their expressions are existed in all tissues and cells of a given species, so they are widely used as reference genes to detect expression changes and patterns of the target genes in different tissues and organs of a species in a certain developmental stage or environmental stress conditions. However, these housekeeping genes can not be always stably expressed under all physiological conditions as ideal reference genes. During the transcription analysis of gene expression, the most common reference genes can not meet the requirements of accurate quantification. The stably expressed reference genes can be screened according to some statistical analysis softwares, such as geNorm, BestKeeper and NormFinder. This paper reviewed the selection criteria, methods and applications of the reference genes for gene expression studies.

Key words: gene expression; reference genes; selection and application; statistical software

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